مرحباً بكم متابعي منصة امتحانات مصر الأعزاء اليوم نقدم لكم شرح مبسط وسريع للدرس الرابع والأخير من الوحدة الثالثة لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الرابع الابتدائي. تابعوا معنا في السطور التالية لتوضيح وتبسيط الدرس.
الكلمات الأساسية في الدرس:
Lucas and his farm
.Lucas lives on a farm in the United States ,It is a very special farm. Forty years ago
.the land was very dry. There was no farm .No one wanted to live there
Lucas's grandparents lived in the city, but .they didn't like it. They didn't like the polluted air and the noise
.They wanted to have a farm. They decided to buy some land
At first, life was very difficult. They worked very hard and they
.planted millions of seeds. They used rainwater to water the seeds
They needed about a billion liters of water a year. They used plants
.to clean the water
They grew many fruits like oranges and lemons. They brought animals
to the land. They planted trees and flowers. They sold their fruit
.and animals
Today, Lucas lives on the farm with his mom and dad. They are very
happy and they have a good life. They are very proud of Lucas's
.grandparents. They used plants to make the land green
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