
 Choose the correct answer

- ……… forms the cell walls of plant cells






18- Lipids dissolve in non polar solvents such as…

  Carbon tetrachloride 


Hydrochloric acid

Alkaline solutions


……. are liquid lipids formed from the reaction of unsaturated fatty acids with glycerol 






-……. are formed from the reaction of fatty acids with heave molecular weights with monohydroxy alcohols 






- ……. are from complex lipids






- Lipids such as ……. work as hormones inside human body






24- ……. is from derivative lipids






- ……….. are used to detect simple sugars.

Benedict reagents

Litmus papers 

Iodine solutions 

 Sudan IV reagents


- ……….. are used to detect lipids

 Benedict reagents

Litmus papers 

 Iodine solutions

Sudan IV reagents


 ……….. are used to detect starch

 Benedict reagents

 Litmus papers

 Iodine solutions 

 Sudan IV reagents


 Write the scientific term

- They are huge organic molecules in living organisms which consist from hydrogen and carbon basically (such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids)


2- They are biological macromolecules formed from simple molecules (monosaccharides) which include starches, sugars and fibres. They consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen at ratio 1:2:1 respectively


3- They are biological macromolecules formed from carbon, hydrogen and 
oxygen atoms which include different compounds which are insoluble in water 
(but they dissolve in benzene and carbon tetrachloride)


4- They are liquid lipids formed from the reaction of unsaturated fatty acids with glycerol.


5- They are solid lipids formed from the reaction of saturated fatty acids with glycerol


6- They are formed from the reaction of fatty acids with heave molecular weights with monohydroxy alcohols (alcohols having one hydroxyl OH group.