
Read the following passage, then answer the questions

There are 4 people at our table including myself. I’ve already learnt a lot
about them although we rarely meet except at meal time. First, there is Dr. Slone
I le is about 65. He gave up his practice a short while ago and is now travelling
round the world before he retires to some quiet country village. He served
abroad for many years as a doctor in the army. I le speaks several languages
and has told us a lot about the ports we were going to call at. Then, there is
"grandmother”. I call her that as her name escapes me. In spite of being
remarkably young, not more than 45. She is on her way to visit a daughter who
emigrated lo Australia some years ago. There is an engineer called Barlow. He
has been on leave in England and is now returning to his work in Singapore. He
seems full of energy: he swims or plays tennis in the best part of the day. I’ve
never met a man with such a loud laugh.

choose the correct answer

 What's Dr. Slone doing before he to some quiet country village?


He is having a holiday before he retires

He is now returning to his work in Singapore

He is on her way to visit a daughter who emigrated lo Australia

None of the above


The writer calls the second person “grandmother” because………..

he hasn't been told of her name

she looks old

she has 3 grandchildren

He forgets her name


The word “remarkably means…………






 Barlow is in England……...

as he is on business 

as he is on leave 

as he is ill

to see his family


Read the following passage, then answer the questions

Necessity is the mother of invention is a famous Common proverb which
means that our needs always motivate our minds to create new things in order
to manage well with a world full of speed changes. Man's needs have often
directed him to discover the natural resources around him, and to make with his
own hands the things he wants. Thus, he made tools to cultivate the land and get
its crops. Those tools played an important part in establishing civilization. Food,
clothing and shelter are still considered to be man's basic needs. The progress
of technology has enabled man to satisfy all! these needs. It has helped him to
take wide steps in developing agriculture, industry and public services. Thus,
we are now enjoying the blessing of modern civilization. When civilization
developed and man lived in organized societies, he found himself in need of
more than his necessities; Education is next to food in importance because it is
the only way to acquire experience and the qualifications necessary to earn a
living. Education changed our style of living and led to higher thinking ievels. He
invaded space. He invented the computer. No wonder that man has great
abilities which II enable him to create more inventions in the future
choose the correct answer

………The underlined word "acquire" has a similar meaning to







According to the passage education is of great importance because………

it gives us experience and making a living 

it is pre to food in importance

 it is natural resource before us

the tools played a role in our civilization


Man needed more than his necessities when he……….

needed tools

lived in organized societies

discovered natural resources

 made the things he wanted


Read the following passage, then answer the questions

Every reader of this passage must spend the whole of his waking life
looking at things. Looking, is natural ; we do it without noticing it. Looking is
passive - but seeing is active, and that is the explanation of the title " To look is
not to see ". once you start seeing things you really began to wake up. People
who see things which others have only looted at, and seeing, draw conclusions
from what they see, can add to man's knowledge and help progress Someone
recently discovered a place where metal had been worked continuously longer
than anywhere else in England. He " saw " a wall in the Forest of Dean,
Thousands of people must have looked at it without really seeing it, but this man
noticed that among the usual stones of that place were bits and pieces of a
different colour ; they also felt different to the hand. A closer sight showed that
these pieces had been left behind in the fires of ancient peoples who had
smelted rocks to get metals. Looking around, he found more and more
information, until the history of what men had done at tat place over tens of
centuries was known You don't have to go far to make similar discoveries once
you really start seeing.

choose the correct answer

For this writer "seeing" means…………….

Noticing things which need explaining

Doing something natural

 Looking at things

Doing something without noticing


The man found a place where………

Men are starting to work

 Men smelted metal for tens of centuries 

Men first learned to make fire with stones

Men built walls of metal


The man who "saw" the wall got more and more information………….

from thousands of people who had looked at it

 From a history book

From the usual stones of that place

From the unusual stones of that place


What was it that mean" men had done at that place over tens of centuries ?

Looked at stones 

Seen the stones 

Smelted metals

Built wails