
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Once there was a poor boy who lost her parents in an accident. Since then
he was living alone. He was wearing old clothes. He was walking in the street in
a rainy day when he felt hungry. He cried a lot because he didn’t have enough
money to buy food. He looked for a house to ask for food. He went to a nearby
house and knocked on the door. A beautiful young woman opened the door and
smiled at him. She was kind and clever enough to know what he wanted. When
he asked for food, he brought him some food and a glass of milk. The boy ate
until he was full. He thanked the young lady and left. After many years the young
lady had to go to hospital for operation. The operation would cost her a lot of
money. She decided to sell her gold ring to pay for the operation. After the
operation, the doctor went to see her. When he saw her, he knew that she was
the young woman who had given him food years ago. The next day, he gave her
a piece of paper and left. When she looked at the paper, the doctor had written “
paid”, he had paid all the operation money.

- :choose the correct answer

 The young woman was kind and.……..








The food which the young woman gave the boy was…………….



not enough



The poor boy was living alone because his parent............ in an accident………..






The story happened in the………






Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Most human beings are awake during the day and sleep all night. Owls live
the opposite way .Owls are nocturnal. This means that they sleep all day and stay
awake at night. Because owls are nocturnal, this means they must eat at night.
But finding food in the dark is generally difficult. To help them, they have special
eyes and ears.
Owls have very large eyes. These eyes absorb more light than normal. Since
there is little light during the night, it is helpful to be able to absorb more of it. This
helps owls find food in the dark. Owls also have very good hearing. Even when
owls are in the trees, they can hear small animals moving in the grass below. This
helps owls catch their prey even when it is very dark.
Like owls, mice are also nocturnal animals. Mice have an excellent sense of
smell. This helps them find food in the dark. Being nocturnal helps mice to hide
from the many different snakes and lizards that want to eat them. Most of the
birds, snakes, and lizards that like to eat mice sleep at night except, of course,

- :choose the correct answer

The animal with small eyes……….

can’t see at all at night

has trouble seeing in the dark

 is likely to be

can see well at night eaten by an owl


Mice sleep during the day in order to……….

find food that other animals can’t

keep themselves safe

store energy for night activities

release stress


 Owls use…………….sense to find food.

smell and sound 

sight and smell

 sound and sight 

taste and smell


The under lied word “them” refer to……






Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Bullying can take a variety of forms, from the verbal- being called harmful
names to the physical- being kicked- as well as indirect forms, such as being
excluded from social groups. As a survey I conducted with Irene Whitney found
that in British primary schools up to a quarter of pupils reported experience of
bullying, which in about one in ten cases was persistent. There was less bullying
in secondary schools, with about one in twenty-five suffering persistent bullying,
but these cases may be particularly rebellious.
Bullying is clearly unpleasant and can make the child experiencing it feel
unworthy and depressed. In extreme cases, it can even lead to suicide, though
this is frankly rare. Victimized pupils are more likely to experience difficulties
with interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who persistently bully
are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social
Until recently, not much was known about the topic, and little help was
available to teachers to deal with bullying. Perhaps as a result, schools would
often deny the problem. ‘ There is no bullying at this school’ has been a common
refrain, almost certainly all true. Fortunately, more schools are now saying:
‘ There is not much bullying here, but when it occurs we have a clear policy for
dealing with it.’

choose the correct answer

A recent survey found that in British secondary schools there was……bullying than in primary schools.







 Being......... is an indirect form of bullying.

called hurtful names

excluded from social groups 




 Children experiencing extreme cases of bullying may commit……….






 Teachers…………know how to deal with bullying, but now they do.



