
Fill in: 

esophagus - heart - diaphragm - oxygen

We use our respiratory system when we breathe. We need ①…………………in our bodies. We breathe in air through our nose. The ② ……………………goes down and pulls air into our lungs. Our ③………………pumps the blood around our body.


cheese - fishermen - life - farmers 

The land in Damietta governorate is rich in nutrients. The ①………………...can grow rice, wheat and guava. Fishermen cat thousands of fish in the sea. Domiati ②………………… is very delicious. About one and half million people live in this part of Egypt.③……………..is good in Damietta !


female - mammals -  lives - travels 

The steppe eagle lives around 30 years. It weighs around 30 kilograms. It (1)……………….from Europe to Africa in winter. It lives in open areas. It eats other birds, small(2)………………….and rabbits. When it opens its wings, it’s longer than you ! the (3)……………....is bigger than male.


water - sand - clothes - carry 

Camels are amazing. They’re beautiful, strong animals. They help us to (1) ………………. things and people to cross the desert. Their milk is delicious. We can use their fur to make (2)………………….! Camels are perfect for the desert. They can live without (3)……………..for a long time.


Scientists - ill - temperature - cute

 The naked mole rat lives in eastern Africa. It has big teeth and no hair. It can’t control its body ①……………because it has no hair. It doesn’t get ②…………………..It lives for a very long time. ③……………………..want to learn all about naked mole rats.


roots - shoot - sunlight - plant 

The germination process starts when we put a seed in soil. The seed needs (1) …………………and water, so it can grow. The seed grows roots under the soil. Then, it grows a (2) ………………and gets taller above the soil. finally, the full(3)……………..grows leaves and flowers.


pollen - sunlight - cells - chloroplasts

 A plant is made of millions of cells. The plant (1)………………..are very small. (2)…………………make the plant green. You can only see them with a microscope. The green plant cells make food for the plant. They use(3)…………………, carbon dioxide and water.


water - electric - dangerous - burn - control

 Electricity is very (1) ……………………. If we get an (2) …………………..shock, we can’t (3)………………..our bodies. It can also (4) ……………………us. Electricity is always trying to go into the ground. It travels easily through (5)………………..and our bodies are 70 % water.


mangoes - grow - delicious - sugarcane - watermelon

 Fruits grow in different times of the year. We(1) ………………..different kinds in Egypt(2)…………….and…(3)………….grow in the summer. We get sugar from(4)……………… fruits are(5)………………


angry - helping - teacher - explains - patient

 My friend Rana likes(1) ………………people. She is very(2)……………….Everyone likes her because she never gets(3)………………..she(4) ………………..things all the time. She wants to be a(5) …………………