
1—finish the following dialogue:-

Mohamed and Abdo want to meet up

Mohamed Hi, Abdo. Are you busy tomorrow 

Abdo Hi , Mohamed, No I am not.

 Mohamed Would you like to meet up tomorrow?

 Abdo (1).....................................................

 Mohamed Shall we go to sports center? 

Abdo (2).................................... I am not interested.

 Mohamed (3)..................................................................? 

Abdo We can go to the cinema. Is there a good film? 

(4)................................................................ Mohamed 

Great. (5)....................................................?

 Abdo We can meet at 3 o'clock.


(Read and complete)

mental  -  won   -  wins   - positive  -  negative   -   unhappy

I am worried about my sister.

 She is so (1).................... about her appearance.

 How can I help her feel more (2)................. about herself?

 People like her and she has (3)...................... prizes for her art,

 the only negative thing about her is her opinion of herself.

 It is really bad for her (4)................... health.


3. Read the following text, then answer the questions

Medo and Mezo were friends. On a holiday they went walking into a forest, 
enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They 
became frightened. Mezo, who knew all about climbing trees, ran up to a tree 
and climbed up quickly. He didn’t think of Medo. Medo had no idea how to climb 
the tree.
Medo thought for a second. He’d heard animals don’t prefer dead bodies, so he 
fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear smelled him and thought he was 
dead. So, it went on its way. Mezo asked Medo;“What did the bear whisper into 
your ears?” Medo replied, “The bear asked me to keep away from friends like 
a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d 

1. A bear is a kind of............................






3. Read the following text, then answer the questions

Medo and Mezo were friends. On a holiday they went walking into a forest, 
enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They 
became frightened. Mezo, who knew all about climbing trees, ran up to a tree 
and climbed up quickly. He didn’t think of Medo. Medo had no idea how to climb 
the tree.
Medo thought for a second. He’d heard animals don’t prefer dead bodies, so he 
fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear smelled him and thought he was 
dead. So, it went on its way. Mezo asked Medo;“What did the bear whisper into 
your ears?” Medo replied, “The bear asked me to keep away from friends like 
a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d 

2. Animals don't like eating.......................bodies.






3. Read the following text, then answer the questions

Medo and Mezo were friends. On a holiday they went walking into a forest, 
enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They 
became frightened. Mezo, who knew all about climbing trees, ran up to a tree 
and climbed up quickly. He didn’t think of Medo. Medo had no idea how to climb 
the tree.
Medo thought for a second. He’d heard animals don’t prefer dead bodies, so he 
fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear smelled him and thought he was 
dead. So, it went on its way. Mezo asked Medo;“What did the bear whisper into 
your ears?” Medo replied, “The bear asked me to keep away from friends like 
a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d 
3. " Keep away" means..........................


 to be friend with 

 stop knowing 

 keep friends



3. Read the following text, then answer the questions

Medo and Mezo were friends. On a holiday they went walking into a forest, 
enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They 
became frightened. Mezo, who knew all about climbing trees, ran up to a tree 
and climbed up quickly. He didn’t think of Medo. Medo had no idea how to climb 
the tree.
Medo thought for a second. He’d heard animals don’t prefer dead bodies, so he 
fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear smelled him and thought he was 
dead. So, it went on its way. Mezo asked Medo;“What did the bear whisper into 
your ears?” Medo replied, “The bear asked me to keep away from friends like 
b. Answer the following questions
4. Where did Medo and Mezo went walking?



3. Read the following text, then answer the questions

Medo and Mezo were friends. On a holiday they went walking into a forest, 
enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They 
became frightened. Mezo, who knew all about climbing trees, ran up to a tree 
and climbed up quickly. He didn’t think of Medo. Medo had no idea how to climb 
the tree.
Medo thought for a second. He’d heard animals don’t prefer dead bodies, so he 
fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear smelled him and thought he was 
dead. So, it went on its way. Mezo asked Medo;“What did the bear whisper into 
your ears?” Medo replied, “The bear asked me to keep away from friends like 
b. Answer the following questions
 5. Who ran up and climbed the tree? 



3. Read the following text, then answer the questions

Medo and Mezo were friends. On a holiday they went walking into a forest, 
enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They 
became frightened. Mezo, who knew all about climbing trees, ran up to a tree 
and climbed up quickly. He didn’t think of Medo. Medo had no idea how to climb 
the tree.
Medo thought for a second. He’d heard animals don’t prefer dead bodies, so he 
fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear smelled him and thought he was 
dead. So, it went on its way. Mezo asked Medo;“What did the bear whisper into 
your ears?” Medo replied, “The bear asked me to keep away from friends like 
b. Answer the following questions
6. Do you think Mezo is a good friend?  



4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

. A................is a place where we can borrow or save money






A...........is a boat that carries people or goods across a river.






. A.............is an area between two mountains.






 Something nice that makes you feel relaxed means...........






. A..........is someone who is travelling, but not driving






 .....................means needs electricity to work.






. Complete the following sentences with the correct form

 I get up at 7 a.m ..............(at) Saturday.


. .................(When) about visiting the museum?


 I'd prefer.....................(going) somewhere.


I think it would..............(is) nice to go on a ferry.


Red is.....................(most) popular colour.


 My phone is much .........(easy) to use than my old one.


 I think this is the.....................(worse) film I have ever seen.


:Write a review of about (110) words on 

"something you bought online"