
Give Reason 


                   A mixture of sand and iron filings can be separted easily 


Because it can be separated by magnet


The magnet attracts iron, but it does not attract copper

Because iron is magnetic substance while copper non-magnetic


The chalk appears white, while the board appears black

Because white reflect all colors while black absorb all colors


 The rainbow appears in the sky after heavy rainfall

Due to the refraction of light in water drops of rain


Chameleon simulate the color of the surrounding environment

To hide from enemies


Seeing the spoon bending = broken in a cup of water 

Due to light refraction


Some bees look like wasps in forming lines on their bodies

To fare their enemies


:What happen 

Heating salty solution gently


Water evaporate, and salt remain


Adding an amount of sugar to water with stirring

Sugar will dissolve in water


Dissolving an amount of salt in hot water

A homogenous mixture is formed


- Passing white light through a glass prism

It will be split into seven colors