

is the main source of light on earth



 The kerosene lamp is an example of ……………… source of light



is a phenomenon results from the traveling of light in straight lines



The idea of……depends on the formation of images through narrow holes

pinhole camera


The ……………. object to the light source, the bigger the shadow



 and …………… are translucent materials

 tissue paper - frosted glass


   :Write the scientific term

The light energy that can be seen

(Visible spectrum)


The material which things behind are less clearly seen

(Translucent / semitransparent material)


The reflection of light when it falls on smooth, bright and plane surface

(Regular reflection)


A property of light that makes us sees objects

(Light reflection)


Bouncing of light rays when it falls on an object

(Light reflection)


  The change in direction of light that is caused by the traveling of light from one medium to another

(Light refraction)