عاجل "لطلاب الشهادة الأعدادية" مراجعة ليلة الامتحان

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 مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للغة الانجليزية، مراجعة في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للشهادة الاعدادية، يبحث جميع طلاب الصف الثالث الاعدادي عن مراجعات ليلة الامتحان، وتقدم لكم منصة امتحانات مصر مراجعات في جميع المواد لطلاب جميع المراحل التعليمية، وترصد من خلال الأسئلة التالية مراجعة شاملة لمادة اللغة الانجليزية.

اقرأ أيضًا..لطلاب الشهادة الأعدادية " مراجعة ليلة الأمتحان للتربية الدينية"

1-choose the correct answer from 1,2,3,4:-

The…………habitats are always cold and are often covered by ice

  • desert
  • polar
  • forest
  • coastal

2-the……………habitat usually has large green areas, and no mountains

  • rainforest
  • coastal
  • grassland
  • polar


3-the………habitat is a large area of land that is covered with trees


  • desert
  • forest
  • mountain
  • oasis


4- there isn't always rain in the……………habitat, but there's always a lot of water


  • rainforest
  • grassland
  • polar
  • wetland


5-the……………habitats are next to the sea. you often find rock there

  • polar
  • coastal
  • grassland
  • desert


6- A…………… is something that people travel in that is pulled by a horse

  • car
  • carriage
  • ferry
  • tractor

7- A…………… is a building where horses sleep

  • stable
  • cave
  • hut
  • flat

8-when all the trees in an area are cut down, we call this ………


  • deforestation
  • recycling
  • depression
  • production


9- ………… is a group of animals or plants of the same kind


  • Spaces
  • Species
  • Spices
  • Slices


10-.........means kept safe from being damaged


  • Destroyed
  • Famous
  • Remote
  • Preserved


11- A/ An...............is how long something is

  • distance
  • length
  • internship
  • district


12-......... .......means very far from somewhere

  • Remote
  • Safe
  • Near
  • Stuck


13-...............is the land that is below the area around it

  • tower
  • mountain
  • depression
  • hill


14- A..............is the remains of animals or plants that lived in the past

  • fossil
  • rock
  • fire
  • citadel


16-A/An……………..is a person who travels into space

  • writer
  • astronaut
  • astronomer
  • astrologer


16- A piece of equipment you use to see things that are far away is called a……

  • telescope
  • glasses
  • wheel
  • robot

17- the space…………………is a large spacecraft where people live and work

  • robot
  • telescope
  • satellite
  • station


18- the…….is a force which attracts things or people to the centre of the Earth

  • space
  • gravity
  • satellite
  • jet


19-……………..is a machine in space that goes around the Earth

  • plane
  • spacecraft
  • satellite
  • comet


20- A/An…………….is a person who studies something carefully

  • player
  • actor
  • painter
  • researcher


21-Read and correct:

  • these areas are ……………. as polar habitats
  • these habitats …………….  at the These habitats …………….  at the top and the bottom of Earth
  • What kind of habitat is the area around the Nile Delta …………….?
  • This national park ……………  by grasslands
  • Why isn't Gebel Elba ….…………….. by more tourists?
  • Hundreds of date palm trees ……………….. grown here.
  • Our beaches are visited ........... thousands of tourists every year
  • A report about animals and plants that are in danger was ...........
  • These pictures were ............ by her daughters
  • The first Pantheon in Rome............. in around 27 BCE
  • We don't know how the stones for the Pyramids ……  to Giza
  • Long ago, camels............. ships of the desert by some people
  • . We don't know when Petra .........named one of the new seven wonders of the world.
  • Because of last week's floods in India, a lot of houses…… 
  • In the last 100 years, we ................... more tha800 species.
  • The Cairo Tower ………by Naoum Shebib in 1956
  • Better news ………………..shared by another report
  • A list of the new seven wonders ………………  in 2007.
  • This school…………………………  five years ago

22-finish the following dialogue:

1.Baker and Marwan are talking about where people will live in the future:

Baher : In the future, I think we will be able to live in houses under the ground. Marwan :But, ………(1)………. .Did you know that every year, buildings get taller and taller?

 Baher :That’s right. What kind of energy will they use? Marwan : ………(2)……..

 Baher :………(3)………… Marwan They will use things like wind turbines to produce renewable energy.

 Baher :……(4)…….

Marwan :Yes, we’ll all live in tall buildings with solar energy, too. Baher :I think this won’t cause pollution. Marwan :………(5)……..

اقرأ أيضًا..مراجعة الباب الأول في الكيماء للشهادة الثانوية 


و قد قدمت لكم منصة امتحانات مصر في السطور السابقة المراجعة النهائية لمادة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعدادي. 

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