
choose the correct answer:-

يجب حماية المواقع الأثرية والمتاحف فى كل انحاء الدولة من اللصوص.

The archaeologicalist’s sites and museums all over the country have to be protected for all thieves.

The archaeological locations and museums all over the country have to be protected for all thieves.

The archaeological sites and museums all over the country has to be protected for all thieves.

The archaeological sites and museums all over the country have to be protected for all thieves.


تسعي المؤسسة التعليمية الي تعميق الفكر الديموقراطى وتدريب الاجيال الصاعدة على المشاركة و ابداء الرأي و النقد البناء

The education institution seeks to deepen the democratic thought and train the young generations in participation, voicing
opinion and constructive criticism.

The educational institution seeks to weep the democratic thought and train the young generations in participation, voicing
opinion and constructive criticism.

The educational institution seeks to deepen the democratic thought and train the young generations in participation, voicing
opinion and constructive criticism.

The educational institution seeks to deepen the democratically thought and train the young generations in participation, voicing
opinion and constructive criticism.


تقوم المرأة المصرية بدور فعال فى كل مناحى الحياة وتسهم بقدر كبير فى تقدم بلادها.

The Egyptian women plays a vital role in all walks (fields) of life and contributes greatly to her country’s progress.

The Egyptian woman plays a vital role in all walks (fields) of life and contributes greatly to her country’s progress.

The Egyptian woman plays a vital rule in all walks (fields) of life and contributes greatly to her country’s progress.

The Egyptian woman plays a vital role in all walks (fields) of life and contributes great to her country’s progress.


ان زيادة الانتاج اصبح واجبا وطنيا لانة يمكننا من مواجهة مشكلة تزايد السكان والبطالة فى مصر.

Creasing production has become a national duty because it enables us to face the problems of over population and
unemployment in Egypt.

Increasing production has became a national duty because it enables us to face the problems of over population and
unemployment in Egypt.

Increasing production has become a national duty because it enables us to face the problems of over population and
unemployment in Egypt.

Increasing production has become a national duty because it enables us to face the problems of over pulsation and
unemployment in Egypt.


يجب ان تحقق مصر الاكتفاء الذاتى من الاطعمة الرئيسية مثل القمح.

We should achieve self-sufficiency of main foods such for wheat.

We should achieve self-sufficient of main foods such as wheat.

We shouldn’t achieve self-sufficiency of main foods such as wheat.

We should achieve self-sufficiency of main foods such as wheat.


يجب على الحكومة الاستثمار فى البنية التحتية وتشجيع الاستثمارات الداخلية والخارجية.

The government shouldn’t invest in infrastructure and encourage local and foreign investments.

The government should invest in structure and encourage local and foreign investments.

The government should invest in infrastructure and encourage local and foreign investments.

The government should invest in infrastructure and discourage local and foreign investments.


لابد لدول العالم ان تتعاون لحل المشكلات الناجمة عن الدفء العالمى.

World countries mustn’t co-operate to solve the problems resulted from global warming.

World countries must co-operate to solve the problems resulted up global warming.

Egypt countries must co-operate to solve the problems resulted from global warming.

World countries must co-operate to solve the problems resulted from global warming.


كلنا نصبوا للاصلاح ولكن من منا يريد ان تغرق مصر فى فوضى عارمة وحروب اهلية ؟

All of us inspire to reform but who of us want Egypt to be in overwhelming chaos and civil wars.

All of us aspire to preform but who of us want Egypt to be in overwhelming chaos and civil wars.

All of us aspire to reform but who of us want Egypt to be in overwhelming chaos and civil wars.

All of us aspire to perform but who of us want Egypt to be in overwhelming chaos and civil wars.


“الثائر الحق هو الذى يثور ليهدم الفساد ثم يهدأ ليبنى الامجاد ”قال هذا الامام الكبير الشيخ الشعراوى

“The real revolutionary protests to defeat corruption, then calms down to build glories “said the great Imam Sheik El Hosary.

“The real revolutionary protests to defeat corruption, then claim’s down to build glories “said the great Imam Sheik El Sharawy.

“The real revolution protests to defeat corruption, then calms down to build glories “said the great Imam Sheik El Sharawy.

“The real revolutionary protests to defeat corruption, then calms down to build glories “said the great Imam Sheik El Sharawy.


لقد اثبت الشاب المصرى انة واعى، متحضر ومحب لوطنة وحريص على تقدمة.

The Egyptian youth have proved that they are aware, civilized, loving their country and keen on its progress.

The Egypt youth have proved that they are aware, civilized, loving their country and keen on its progress.

The Egyptian youth have improved that they are aware, civilized, loving their country and keen on its progress.

The Egyptian youth have proved that they are aware, civiliztion, loving their country and keen on its progress.


يجب ان نعمل جميعا بجد فى جميع المجالات حتى تصبح مصر من اكثر الدول تقدما وازدهارا.

We should work hard in all fields so that Egypt will become one of the most progressed and prosperous countries.

We all should hard work in all fields so that Egypt will become one of the most progressed and prosperous countries.

We all should work hard in all fields so that Egypt will become one of the most progressed and prosperous countries.

We all should work hard in all fields so that Egypt will become one of the most progressing and prosperous countries.


يجب علينا ان نتصدى وبكل حزم لكل اعمال البلطجة والفساد.

We must face strict all the facts of bullying and corruption.

We mustn’t face strictly all the facts of bullying and corruption.

We must face strictly all the facts of bullying and corruption.

We must face strictly all the facts of buildering and corruption.


لابد من تشجيع الاستثمارات الاجنبية فى مصر من اجل النهوض بالاقتصاد المصرى.

Foreigner investments in Egypt should be encouraged to improve the Egyptian economy.

Foreign investments in Egypt should encouraged to improve the Egyptian economy.

Foreign investments in Egypt should be encouraged to improve the Egyptian economy.

Foreign investments in Egypt should be encouraged to prove the Egyptian economy.


كل مانحلم بة هو فرصة حقيقية للتعليم، للعمل، للرعاية الصحية.

All where we dream of is a real opportunity for education, employment and health care.

All what we dreamt of is a real opportunity for education, employment and health care.

All what we dream of is a real opportunity for education, unemployment and health care.

All what we dream of is a real opportunity for education, employment and health care.


تعتبر الزلازل والبراكين والعواصف وأمواج التسونامى كلها ظواهر طبيعية تدمر كل انجازات الانسان.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, hurricanes and tsunamis is all natural phenomena which destroy all the achievements of man.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, hurricanes and tsunamis are all nature phenomena which destroy all the achievements of man.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, hurricanes and tsunamis are all natural phenomena which destroy all the achievements of man.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, hurricanes and tsunamis are all natural phenomenon which destroy all the achievements of


بالرغم من مزايا المفاعلات النووية ولكن اى تسرب اشعاعى يمكن ان يسبب اضرارا هائلة.

Despite of the advantages of nuclear reactors, any radiation leak can cause / result in enormous damage.

Despite the advantages of clear reactors, any radiation leak can cause / result in enormous damage.

Despite the advantages of nuclear reactors, any radiation lake can cause / result in enormous damage.

Despite the advantages of nuclear reactors, any radiation leak can cause / result in enormous damage.


ان مصر تحتاح الى جهود المخلصين من ابنائها حتى تتغلب على كل المشاكل التى تعوق تقدمها.

Egypt need the efforts of its faithful sons in order to overcome all the problems hindering its progress.

Egypt needs the efforts of its faithful children’s in order to overcome all the problems hindering its progress.

Egypt needs the efforts of its faithful sons in order to overcome all the problems hindering its progress.

Egypt needs the efforts of its faithful sons in order to overcome all the problems hindering its welfare.


يجب ان تكون المنتجات المصرية عالية الجودة لكى تتمكن من منافسة المنتجات الاخرى فى الاسواق العالمية.

Egyptian products must of good (high) quality to be able to complete other prizes on different occasions.

Egyptian products must be of good (high) quality to be able to complete other prizes on different occasions.

Egyptian products must be of good (high) equality to be able to complete other prizes on different occasions.

Egyptian products must be of good (high) quality to be able to compete other prizes on different occasions.


مصر بلد الامن والامان لا فرق بين مسلم ومسيحى.

Egypt is the country of safe and security, there is no difference between a Muslim and Christian.

Egypt are the country of safe and security, there is no difference between a Muslim and Christian.

Egypt is the country of safety and security, there is difference between a Muslim and Christian.

Egypt is the country of safe and security, there is difference between a Muslims and Christian.


شعب مصر كريم وطيب ومعروف بالشهامة وحب الكرامة.

The Egyptian people are generous and are known for nobility and love of dignity.

The Egypt people are generous and are known for nobility and love of dignity.

The Egyptian people is generous and are known for nobility and love of dignity.

The Egyptian people are generous and are unknown for nobility and love of dignity.


لقد حان وقت العمل الجاد من اجل بناء مستقبل وطننا العظيم.

It is no time to work hard to build the future of our great country.

It is time to hard work to build the future of our great country.

It is time to work hard to damage the future of our great country.

It is time to work hard to build the future of our great country.


تتطلع مصر الى اداء اقتصادى مختلف، يجعل منها دولة قوية اقتصاديا وسياسيا يحقق امال الشباب.

Egypt is look forward to different economic performance makes it powerful country.

Egypt is looking forward to same economic performance makes it powerful country.

Egypt is looking forward to different economic performance makes it powerful country.

Egypt is looking forward to different economy performance makes it powerful country.


الهجرة الشرعية هى حق كل مواطن لكن الهجرة الغير شرعية تعرضة لمخاطر كثيرة.

Legal migration is very citizen’s right but illegal immigration exposes them to a lot of risks.

Illegal immigration is very citizen’s right but illegal immigration exposes them to a lot of risks.

Legal immigration is very citizen’s right but illegal immigration exposes them to a lot of risks.

Legal immigration is very citizen’s light but illegal immigration exposes them to a lot of risks.


ان قضية اصلاح التعليم من اخطر القضايا التى تواجة المجتمع المصرى حيث ان البحث العلمى احد ركائز الامن القومى.

The issue of educational reform is one of the most serious issues facing the Egyptian society as scientific research is one
of the pillars of national security.

The issue of education reform is one of the most serious issues facing the Egyptian society as scientific research is one
of the pillars of national security.

The issue of education preform is one of the most serious issues facing the Egyptian society as scientific research is one
of the pillars of national security.

The issue of education reform is one of the most serious issues facing the Egyptian society as scientifically research is
one of the pillars of national security.


تمتلك مصر الموارد الطبيعية والايدى العاملة الماهرة التى يمكن استخدامها لتحقيق الرفاهية.

Egypt has nature resources and skilled labour that can be used to achieve its welfare.

Egypt has natural resources and skilled labour that can be used to achieve its welfare.

Egypt has natural sources and skilled labour that can be used to achieve its welfare.

Egypt has natural resources and skilled labour that can used to achieve its welfare.